Greetings CRCC Members and Friends,
Just a quick recap and note regarding this past weekend’s fly in.
Once again we were blessed with a great turnout with terrific weather producing some awesome flying, great fellowship and plenty of smiles throughout the day. We had a lot of pilots this year that gave us all great show and were very fortunate that we had zero incidents all day with the exception of the paint ball airplane that was shot to pieces and is now retired in airplane heaven!
A huge shout out and thank you to all the volunteers who once again stepped up and helped out putting this event together and making it another great success. They once again worked tirelessly all day to provide great food and service to the many patrons and pilots who were in attendance; their support is always appreciated and enjoyed by all. I would encourage each of you to extend your hand and appreciation to each of these volunteers, for without their efforts we would not be able to put on events such as these. They are, in no particular order: My beautiful wife Lois Lavine (well, maybe some particular order, I’m no dummy) Fred and Pam Landrum, my Mom Judy Lavine, Steve Mclachlan and Tom Gould. Each of them worked hard all day long providing food and drink, signing up pilots, taking care of the raffle tickets as setting up the paintball event.
To all the folks who made donations to the food and supplies, thank you, your continued dedication makes it a better club for all to enjoy. Please extend you thanks to them too; their generosity goes a long way to the bottom line of monies collected at the event for future improvements. They are in no particular order: Lois Lavine, Gene Sr. and Judy Lavine, Steve Mclachlan, Fred ad Pam Landrum, Adam Gault, Jason Fayling, Marilyn Joseph, Charles Slomka, Doug Moulton, Mark Janikowski, Richard Clark and Ray Ellis.
Thanks once again to our sponsors Allison’s Performance Hobbies and RC Airplane for providing the terrific raffle prizes, as always, they stepped up again and made for a great raffle with lots of nice prizes and smiles on all the winners faces. Thanks to Tom Gould who was the winner of the airplane stand who so generously donated it back to the club for auction as he already had one in his shop.
Lastly, after all the fun and excitement of the day, we collected a total of $1,189.00 in gross revenues. These monies will go a long way in making future improvements at the field and is a direct result of all the hard work and contributions by those mentioned above.
Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
Best regards
Gene Lavine
CRCC President