Hello club. Hope everyone is well. We are having difficulty sourcing the asphalt millings required for the road and parking area. I was led to believe some millings were being stockpiled for us, but they weren’t. If anyone has a lead on. millings or gravel at a decent price, let me know.
On another note, Cheaha RC in Lineville Al is hosting a fund raising Funfly for CRCC April 26-28. The field is about an hour and a half from Newnan, and previous fun flys there have always been a lot of fun. We will need club members to volunteer to cook, donate food/drink, etc. just like we have done in the past at our own field. Gene will be sending out a volunteer/ donation list in the next couple of days. I hope many of you can make it over for a at least one of the days. See you soon.
Vince Young