Just a quick note to all our members that I/we have not forgotten you and that we are still in the midst of trying to secure a new flying site for the club. Unfortunately this is taken much more time than any of us would have hoped but I am still confident that we will eventually secure a new and even better place for the club that will serve us for many years to come. We are still in discussions with the county in hopes of working something out on the abandoned landfill and will keep you all posted on that front. I have scoped out a couple of sites fairly recently however none of these turned out to be suitable for our needs. Please keep you eyes open and ear to the ground in case you come across a property that may work and let me know, I will be happy to help out.
I do apologize for the delayed response to you all as I have been extremely busy and out of town on business quite a lot of late but am doing all I can to find us a spot. In the meantime, be sure to visit other clubs where and when feasible and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Best regards